- Hierarchical leadership works in the military but not many other places. I will pass
by, for the moment, discussions on business and the family. I believe it is especially
destructive in spiritual matters. Jesus says, 'Take my yoke upon you'. This means
that he wants to lead us by walking along with us not in front of us. He leads us by
example. Not an example of perfection (even though He could, but what good would
that do me?) but an example of vulnerability. I will confess my hurts and needs to
you so that you can do it with each other.
- Is ritual bad? It is easy for me to push against it due to my strong dislike with
religion and all of it's bad side effects. However, the Old Testament is full of rituals
established by God. I believe we are living in the age of the Spirit where ritual is no
longer necessary, but, depending on our culture, worship outside of ritual may be
difficult. That does not mean that we are weak. The problem comes in when the
ritual becomes a means of connecting with God rather than a celebration of a deep
connection that is already cultivated. For example, Valentines day can be seen as a
ritual. However, if a man sonstantly uses that day as a means to form a bridge with
his wife and has not bothered to establish an intimacy throughout the other days, it
will obviously be rejected as insencere. (Isaiah 1) So, is one ritual better than
another? Do we believe that those who perform the rituals we practice to be closer
to God? If so, perhaps the ritual is no different than trying to buy off someone with
a box of chocolates.
- Could it be that God wants to create an army of smerfs?
- Religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who
have already been there. (bumper sticker)
- 'If you love Me feed my sheep.' Feed has been interpreted as educate. Where did
that come from? So we have sermons, Bible studies, seminars, work books, etc. Who
is the mana? Who is the Bread of Life? When we focus on teaching, we contaminate
the community by perpetuating our own issues. We are not to become an army of
pop psychologists. The point is not to get it together, but rather to get together.
- Is spiritual something where God is mentioned? Can a romantic song be considered
- Does our gifts get stronger by exercising them or submitting to them?
- Lord, thank you for reminding me that I am to lead by example. Not by being a
perfect model or by having all of the wise answers, but by being open to seeing my
faults with God and others.
- Help me Lord to remember to help people not by looking for what needs to be
fixed, but by looking for Christ in them and nurturing that. Fixing is defensive.
Inspiration is offensive.
- 'God meets us where we are, not where we pretend to be or wish we were.' Truth
is a two-way street. We have to be true about ourselves in order to hear God's truth
to us. p137 Real Church
- Why do you go to church?
- Religion says that life is about choices. If we make bad choices, bad things
happen. This leads us to try to control people to make the right decisions. Any
counseling based on this is abusive. There is only one choice - God's way or the
Devil's way. When we choose against God, the results are always bad whether they
show up immediately or over time or whether they show up spiritually rather than
physically. Lot made such a choice. To chose God always has a good spiritual
outcome, regardless of the physical results. It matters little whether we chose A or
B. If we chose with God in mind, He will make it work toward His purpose. We do
not have to have faith in ourselves. Just trust Him.
- Religion says that God only speaks through trials, but He sometimes guides us by
giving us a taste of what He ultimately wants us to have. If we focus on that joy,
just as we can get fixated on a trial, we miss the leeson that will change us so that
we can have that joy. This situation that provides the joy then becomes an idol and
leads us away from God rather than towards Him. He is then forced to remove the
situation to avoid harm to us. If we can mature enough, we will no longer need the
carrot or the stick to lead us but our affections are focused on Him and so we see
these 'good' or 'bad' situations as opportunities to see Him more clearly. The next
step is that we begin to be less self-centered and see God's actions corporately. All
of our issues are in the corporate arena anyway. What is God saying to us? The next
step is that God allows us to see what He is doing in others so that we can play a
part in helping them and, by doing so, see Him more clearly. Eventually, our focus is
our helping others reach their joy in God and our desire to work our own issues is
not just to find our desire but to be molded to help others reach theirs. That is
community. God in us.
- Faith is not something that God demands of us when time are hard. t is a gift that
we receive when we are willing to allow Him to share His heart with us. Through the
intimacy of shariing His desires and dreams (love) we also have faith (trust).
Passion (love) casts out fear. Love is not specific. Love in this passage refers to love
for all, not just God. You cannot separate them.
- Religion justifies actions based on 'blessings'. If things are going well, I must be
'doing it right'. Not only is this a cruel theology to those who suffer, but is has a
limited and distorted view of what 'blessings' mean. It implies a self-centered view
of blessings that usually revolve around love and money which our culture ties
closely together. This view aims too low. My look at the Bible finds no such pattern
with the lives of 'saints' or the evil. 'The rain falls on the just and the unjust.'
Blessing is the pleasure and honour to play a role in furthering God's kingdom by
changing peoples lives, freeing them from prisons that Satan has made for them and
allowing them to feel the passion of an other-centered life. God's path for our lives
can involve a mixture of prosperity and poverty, romance and isolation. To look at
these things to determine God's approval would be confusing not to mention selfish.
Sometimes, the worst thing that could happen to us is that we get what we ask for.
It is juvenile theology to assume that 'blessings' come from God and 'trials' come
from Satan. Help me Lord to keep my eyes centered on You and not my own comfort.
How many christians do I know that have taken themselves out of the game
because they have found a blessed exsistence? Depending on how determined
someone is to avoid God's adventures, the definition of 'blessing' can be very
meager. Is our God big enough to hope for more to the extent that we are not
satisfied with the 'blessings' and gladly lay them at His feet in hopes for the higher
prize - Himself. Oh Lord, continue to stir my heart. I fear how settled and hard it can
become without You. Some desire comfort. Some desire God to provide comfort.
Some desire God.
- If we can't see God as more than just a means to an end rather than the goal
itself, we won't see people as the goal itself either. Religion and friendship do not
- Religion says that love is dangerous and must be controlled. Love is dangerous. It
is the most powerful force in the universe. It can spin our life out of control. Lord,
help me see it clearly, apart from need, so I can have the faith to turn it loose.
- Religion seeks to restrict us to prevent us from taking liberties (sin) that we are
not supposed to. However, when we see the freedom found in Christ, the sin is no
longer seen as a temptation but as a restraint. Help me Lord to look past my needs
to see Your freedom so that the shackles of religion do not make sin look like
- I wonder when I say that I am doing 'God's work' that I am not taking myself too
seriously and maybe even be acting a little arrogant. Why do I use the term 'work'?
It may be 'God's work' to take a friend to a movie. I may be more accurate to say
'God's play'. It's not all about fixing but about cultivating.
- Legalism builds hierarchy. Love tears it down.
- Oh Lord, help us to elliminate self-gratification from our spiritual walk and replace
it with love. We are like labs willing to heal and submit in anticipation that You will
allow us to work in the supernatural (throw us the ball). We can't get enough of it.
It is like a drug that gets us through our isolated, depressive existence. We crave
the supernatural like a drug whether we are exercising them or they are being
exercised in our behalf. Why are all the gifts being excercised in churches on saved
people? Jesus didn't heal in the synagogues. He healed in the streets. The gifts
were a witness that what Jesus was saying was true and He was who He claimed to
be. They were a witness of God's love. He could have just levitated people but love,
not the gift, was the focus. Our suffering does not earn us the right to exercise the
gifts. Love is the ultimate gift (ICorinthians 13) (Mathew 12:38-42). Much of our
suffering is our own fault. Much of it because of childhood attacks from Satan that
has warped our perspective which perpetuated the suffering. We cannot enhance the
gifts by sacrifice. It is confusing because we see people that work so strongly in the
gifts, such as prophetic and healing, sacrifice so much. We deduce that if we copy
their lifestyle that we too can have those gifts. But the sacrifice is a result of the
gift not the other way around. Exercising the gift requires putting other people
ahead of ourselves because the gifts are a manifestation of love. The sacrifice did
not cause the gift, the gift caused the sacrifice. They are called gifts for a reason.
- Matthew 12:38-42 - Are we that 'evil and adulturous generation' that seeks a sign?
The signs were meant to show love not power (healing the sick and the blind and
feeding the poor). For those that were seeking love it was enough. For those that
were seeking power, it is never enough till manah falls from the sky and His kingdom
is set up on earth.
- The part of us that is defensive against outsiders accusations is the part that is
unreal (religious).
- Many christians crave to see Your power in the midst of our pain. 'Give us a sign'.
We desire a word of prophesy or a healing. Help us Lord, to grasp the power of
divine love. A power that is not to us but through us to others. Is this not the
answer to our pain - what we have been craving? The power that changes lives
(hearts) not just circumstances.
- Whatever we set as valuable is what we will use to rank people by rather it be
intelligence, sex appeal, etc. Christians value gifts, as they should, but these gifts
should never take presidence over God's love (ICorinthians 14). God's love is the
only thing that elevates God rather than man. When our focus and highest desire is
God's love, then He gets the honor as we become more humbled in it's presence. It
is God's love that does the work, not the gifts. They are only a tool. This puts the
focus on the receiver of the gift and not the giver and God gets the glory. We should
never elevate the giver by giving him a title or office and we should never desire this
praise. There is no power in the gifts. The Holy Spirit speaks not of Himself but of
Christ. The gifts only reveal God's love where it is blocked. Spirituality is love, not
giftedness. We are to strive to connect to God's love not the gifts alone. Striving for
God's love is corporate, striving for the gifts for the gift's sake is individual.Only
God's love builds community and honors God. Anything else builds idols.
- Faith is more than a mere allegiance to life principles, it is a deeper inner
connection with a living God. p215 Unchristian
- The political battles have taken on a life of their own. It is more about power
struggle than the issue. Gays march down the main streets of New York in their gay
parade wearing tutus and leather for one reason - to tick off christians. If we get
lured into this fight and wave 'God hates fags' signs, we have forgotten the main
fight - rescuing their souls. We may win the battle but lose the war as countless
gays enter eternity with clinched fists. The only reason they do this is becuause
they feel justified when we are angry at them and it fuels sympathy with others.
Also, they are much less afraid of our anger than our compassion because
compassion opens their heart to see the pain that caused the homosexuality.
- The isolation between churchgoers and outsiders seems to be as much the desire
of the churchgoers as the outsiders. It is natural to want to hang out with our own
- We can't be judgemental if we are not isolated. p200 Unchristian
- 'The opposite of sin is not virtue, it is grace.' Philip Yancey
- We say 'hate the sin but love the sinner' but rarely get around to the second part.
- Without religion, community thrives.
- Christians are so judgemental, we can't even get along with each other, let alone
outsiders. Perhaps we are just as afraid of being compassionate to oursiders as they
are of receiving it, for the same reason. To be compassionate requires that we get
in touch with our own pain and shortcomings and then be willing to share them. It is
not necessary that we have the same shortcomings to be compassionate, Jesus was
perfect yet He was compassionate to all. Religion prevents us from being
compassionate because it sees others pain as the result of their sin. However, if we
are willing to look deeper at ourselves and others, we will see that it is a vicious
cycle where their pain caused their sin also. Pain can lead us to resort to sinful,
self-serving ways to relieve the pain only to cause more pain. Do we really want to
take the beam out of our own eye? Do we prefer to stay blinded and just offer
superficial, judgemental advice? Is this a judgement of ourselves? If we are
judgemental toward ourselves, we are judgemental toward others. God shows us our
faults not to judge us but to invite us to a more initmate level of love.
- How few people pursue God out of love rather than need. Need stops pursuing
when the need is met. Those that want more cannot be happy in the pew.
- Lord, protect us that are searching for Your Way from those that think they have
found it.
- When the Greeks got the gospel, they turned it into a philosophy; when the
Romans got it, they turned it into a government; when the Europeans got it, they
turned it into a culture;; and when the Americans got it, they turned it into a
business. Richard Halverson
- Authority and dominance are exclusive. One cannot exist with the other.
Dominance says, 'I am in charge because I can be and no one can stop me'.
Authority says, 'I am in charge because I am better equiped to lead than anyone
else and so have more to offer'.
- 'Christianity is a social turn it into a solitary religion is indeed to
destroy it.' John Wesley
- Heirarchy is a way of finding security apart from God as Israel did by requesting a
king. With the Holy Spirit's guidance, hierarchy is not so important. Hierarchy needs
rules which need laws to enforce the rules which needs a chain of command to
enforce the laws which destroys relationship.
- One serious side effect of working to please God by good deeds is that if we ever
determine that we have achieved that goal we automatically feel superior to others
and that we have the right of power which leads to tyrants (p59 Reason for God) but
grace is the giving up of power.
- If we claim to live the church of Acts time, perhaps we need to start acting like it.
Where has the doctrine come from that says we are not to interfere with each
other's sufferings for fear that we will interfere with God's work in them? That
sounds more like Hindu than Christian. What good is our unity if it only happens in
the spiritual rhealm and does not touch the physical or emotional? The Acts church
was unified in all those. The simplicity of Your love more than humbles, it humiliates
me. I believe that we enhance God's work by helping each other, not hinder it
because the weight of glory is heavier than the weight of trial. God's work is
enhanced by grace not hindered. If we are not willing to reach out to each other
physically and emotionally first, we have no business reaching out spiritually.
- Oh Lord, my heart reaches out to those that are rejected by the religious system.
They hurt too bad and don't have the skills and talents necessary to fake their way
through the system. You seem unreachable. But, I want to raise an army from the
spritually outcast the way that you did with David. (pgs. 88-89 Encouragement) I
need wisdom to reach these people because when I try to encourage them to come
and experience what You have given me, many will just be intimidated and will not
feel they can reach to where I am at. I will look just like the church. These people
have all tried and failed. Pep talks will not help. They need courage and even more
importantly, hope.
- In order to be fully release from a sin, I must truly repent and die to the sin. In
other words, I must see it in all of it's ugliness and despise it as God does.
- Religion says to be good in order to be accepted. Christ says to be good because
we are accepted.
- How do I discern if it's God's voice or not? The Bible says that the sheep can
recognize the shepherd's voice. When I am helping people, how can I find God's
voice? The Bible says that the Word cuts to the joints and is the discerner of the
heart. (Hebrews 4:12) John 1,1 says that the Word is God. I John 4:16 says God is
love. So to tell if it is God's voice is if it is love. The Devil tries to counterfeit love
by having compassion on sinful acts but this love is always accompanied by hate for
those who disagree.
- The basic process: God attract my attentio to a certain person and a current issue
of theirs by strirring up passionate insights about that person and their issue. He
show me how to relate with specific stories in my life so that I can pray with
compassion rather than clinical critique. Shortly after that , He arranges a meeting
between us and usually the person brings up the issue because God has been
working on them about it. I help clarify it with examples of my own so that we
connect. Then God guides me to lighten the path He has for them but getting to the
rest of their need.
- Romans 1:28-32 We relate the reprobate mind to the previous verses discussing
sexual perversion, but that is only the symptom. The true definition is in verses
29-32 and can apply to many religious people as well. It is a fearful thing when God
stops inviting us to join in His service to others. The description in verses 29-32 are
what happens to a person who habitually avoids God. It is a description of a shut
down spirit which is what is required to avoid God. That is why sexual perversion,
which starts as sexual fantasy, is a symptom because it is the only other escape for
a dying spirit.
- Self-righteousness usually means a cold heart.
- Trying to 'do the right thing' is a selfish endeaver.
- In order to do those things within God's will, we must constantly ask for what we
- God has given us authority over nature and the Demons which is more than just
submitting to God's will. God's will is broad and not just one thing. When we are in
tune with Him, we are aware of the sphere of that will. We have the authority to
chose, within that will, the things to do that we feel most closely match our gift.
- Man's method of brokeness by means of physical, emotional and spritual abuse
creates self loathing that shuts down the ability to give or receive love. This
destroys manhood by destroying the motivation (love) to scrifice. God's brokeness
spurs the desire for love more as we struggle to fulfill it in any manor of earthly
ways till we finally realize that the desire we crave can only be fulfilled by God.
- I believe that a good, moral, christian, passionless life does more harm for
furthering God's Kingdom than a wayward christian lost in debauchery.
- A good sign that we are not pursuing God is that if we are not desiring His
company, we don't usually desire the company of His people either.
- The root or source of the passion that comes over me from the Spirit is not
wisdom, but love.
- Lord, I pray that the large hole in my soul caused by the pain of unmet needs
could be used as a conduit for Your Spirit to flow more freely to others.
- We gather and pray for God to give to us manna. We feel that we are spiritual
because we search for You. But our focus is off. We are to search for others. Instead
of manna, You give us a little bread and fish at the bottom of a big basket. The size
of the basket is both a promise of what You are willing to give and also the extent
of neediness this world has left us. The more we yearn for You only makes us more
aware of how empy our basket is. So we gratefully take whatever crumbs we have
and we devour them. We tell others that there is a God that supplies all our needs
and that this is just an appetizer, but the wold does not see any of the food that we
speak of and we look just as hungry as them. Just more pathetic and hopeful than
them. They get up and walk away, to search for food on their own and we gather
around Jesus with our empty baskets. He doesn't give us enough to keep a bird alive
because we never give it away. That is the only way that our basket can be full.
Lord, I am so blinded by my hunger, tht I do not even see who to pass the food out
- The more religion is played out in the feminine world of home rather than the
masculine world of the public sector, it will conform to become more feminine. p.
151 The Church Impotent
- Summation of christian femininity - The corporate view of the Church as a bride
has been transformed to individual identification. This caused more nuns who, as
mystics, saw their relationship with Christ as erotic. They transformed the image of
Christ into the female desire for a sensitive, nonjudgemental man and transformed
our relationship with Him as purely receptive and subjective making women more
suited and thus more holy. The idea of purgatory and eventually no Hell came from
this. Now, feminism has come out of it as most of the charasmatic activity revolves
around women.
- 'They esteemed Him not' - the latest way God has allowed me to relate to Him.
The religious community judges based on how many religious activities I am
involved n, how I dress and wear my hair, how much I go to church, and how well
my life is going. I lose on all counts.
- Death and resurrection are written in nature, especially the seasonal movement of
sun and moon till when the resurgent sun meets the full moon at the vernal equinox.
- A major obstacle of overcoming our sins is our attachment to them. They become
part of our identity and to give them up plunges us into the fearful unknown of who
we are. As a woman who keeps marrying abusive men. We may even set ourselves
up to validate our sin. 'I will always be that way' is a common phrase I hear.
- Offering my pain on the alter is not the same as the religious 'giving it to God'.
Religious advice is all about avoiding pain and being 'happy in the Lord' even though
the Bible says that He was 'a man of sorrows acquainted with grief'. Hurting is not a
sign of spiritual weakness. It does not necessarily mean that something is wrong.
'Fools are in the house of laughter.' To leave it on the alter means that I will not
obsess about solutions that are beyond my control. I will not become self-centered
in pity or rage. I will gladly 'bear my cross daily' for the opportunity to relate to
Christ in a deeper way. This is not to get rewards in heaven for giving up pleasures
on earth like '72 dark eyed virgins'. It is so I can relate to God here.
- One side of the road is a ditch of 'riotous living' in which most people can see it's
damaging effects. The other side of the street has a more suble ditch of
'complacency' in which a christian might sit in and brag 'I am not like this
taxcollector' because his life is calm and comfortable unlike the 'sinner's' life which
is turned upside down. But, both sides of the road shut down the Spirit equally and
the complacent side is more damaging because the person is not usually aware that
he is in a rut and is comfortable there. The person in the other ditch cannot suffer
forever and so might 'come to himself' as the prodical son and return. This is why
Paul encouraged that ditch over the complacent ditch when he said 'sin mightily' but
John said of those in the complacent ditch that God would 'spew them out of His
- Comfort can only be valued by a dead spirit.
- Good principles for inner healing or right living becaome idolatrous when they
become the focus rather than just tools to know God better. p.56 Silence of Adam
Their temptation comes from our desire to be in control. p.51 Silence of Adam
- Religion has gone from 'how can I do better' (legalists) to 'how can I feel better'
(recovering addicts). p.56 Silence of Adam
- Christian music seems to be trying to connect with us instead of with You.
- The only way to find God is to find our emptiness. p.33 Silence of Adam
- The church spends more time learning about itself, marriage, parenting, etc.) than
learning about You.
- Sometimes, 'I am here Lord' is the best prayer of all.
- 'I never want my prayer life to lapse into a monologue'. p.185 Sacred Pathways
- We say when times are easy that God is blessing us and when times are hard that
the Devil is attacking us. We have it backward. Comfort is the main tool of the Devil.
Turmoil is the main tool of God. The Devil knows that when times are hard that we
will cry out to God and He will deliver us. He knows that when we are comfortable,
we do not need God and our spirit falls asleep.
- Lord, forgive me for not being able to love those that are not pursuing You, for
they are the ones You have called me to help. Help me to be more than a stirile
counselor. Help me to be a friend.
- Good conselors do not heal but clear away confusion so as to introduce their spirit
back to God. p.31 Sacred Pathways
- 'If you just can't seem to leave that one particular sin, you may find that the
answer is very simple: You don't know how to be nourished according to the way
God made you so you're seeking spiritual "junk food", in the form of sin or
addictions, somewhere else. Finding fulfillment in God is the most powerful antidote
to any sin.' p.30 Sacred Pathways
- Help me Lord, to invite You into every moment of my life, every activity. This is
what fellowship is about more than a 'filling of the Spirit'. Chap 11 Renewing the
- We give Satan respect that he does not deserve. He is not an opposing force to
God. He is only a tool that God uses to mature us and bring us to Him. If we fear
Satan, we do not trust God. p.103 Renewal of the Mind
- Sometimes we struggle with what is the 'will of God' and fret out past decisions
wondering if we should have gone left when we went right. The truth is that if we
made the choice in true submission to God, trying, to the best of our ability, to do
what we felt was 'God's will' then we made the right choice regardless of whether
we went right or left and God will bless us equally regardless of which path we
chose. The only way to have gotten out of God's will would have been to chose the
way that best suited us with little regard for what we know was God's intentions in
our lives. 'God's will' is a matter of the heart, not of action. When we submit to God,
He will make it work out.
- A woman's long hair is her 'crown of glory' meaning it has an effect on men that
causes us to give respect for her femininity in modesty far more than the respect
that other women try to get for the femininity through inmodesty.
- It is difficult to say whether things are going 'good' or 'bad so this is not a good
way to judge the will of God.
- All revelations must have Christ as center stage or else pride in knowledge take
over and the victory is temporary because it is not by the strength of the Spirit. This
happens by exposing all error as opposed to divine love and to motivate change by
elevating divine love with passion.
- Religion is about fear and therefore control. Love is about courage and therefore
opposes religion. Love should therefore, not be shunned by men but championed by
- Hebrews 2:15 'And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime
subject to bondage.' The purpose of religion is to prevent change. When we trust in
God instead of our own beliefs and perceptions, it will feel like death but it frees us
of fear. It is the death of self.
- Christianity has taken on the Greek view that the physical body is less than the
soul and so the physical world is less than the spiritual. We need to re-attach that
wire between the physical and spiritual in our mind so that all three parts of us are
participating whether we are helping someone in need or having sex with our
- '(name) sure is critical of (name) but he isn't any better. What a hypocrite.' It is
not a threat that God will remove His Grace if we don't behave. Remember the
parable of the man who was forgiven a large debt but could not forgive the small
debt that was owed to him. Only God is qualified to judge and He has forgiven. Who
among us is qualified to cast the first stone. When we fully grasp the debt we have
been forgiven, the tamptation to judge is over. 'It is God who works in us both to
will and do of His good pleasure.'
- The Bible says that if we judge others, that we will be judged. This is not so much
a threat as it is a pattern. If we cannot see God's grace as a free gift to others, we
will not be able to accept it for ourselves. We not only judge ourselves, but we
invite others to judge us also.
- Shy of the gospel and the inerrant Word of God, none of our beliefs should be
sacred cows. By definition of spiritual growth, God rarely works with us within our
belief system. Sacred cows prevent God from growing us. Sacred cows are idols. In
order to be a disciple of Christ, we must be willing to put our religion on the altar.
Who of us, if we could sit down to a chat with Jesus about present day politics and
religion would not be offended or ticked off within an hour? Our comfort and security
is God alone, not our beliefs or religious affiliation.
- I picture a house church that splits into several missions each with a leader. All
the leaders meet together once a week to encourage, give advice etc. People are
free to move from group to group or be a part of a couple of groups. The groups are
to have a definite time limit or goal so that groups are disolving and forming all the
time. The whole group meets periodically for direction, forming new groups,
celebrating the completion of a group, introducing new members, getting acquainted
with other groups to see if they would like to move, and fellowship. A group of
networked house churches, each with a particular outreach. The only permanent
group would be the nursery for new believers but the membership would be
constantly changing as each graduate gets paired with a 'parent'.
- This may at first sound like blasphemy, but submission to Jesus is a feminization
of christianity. 'Wives submit yourselves to your husband'. The result is that we wait
for God to bring the enemy to us rather than, as David who slew 300 Philistines for
Michael, we are proactive and charge out into the night in search of demons. Waiting
and hoping that they do not come our way is not a warrior spirit.
- The church needs to go from an army of B-B guns to double 0 buckshot.
- My job is to give vision and inspiration, specifically to men. To take the burden off
of women. This vision is general. The church is perishing without a vision (purpose).
The purpose has been replaced with programs. This makes cookie cutter churches.
The Baptist are best at this. Instead, let each person be led by God to find their
own vision inside the bigger, general vision. So what if nobody wants to be the
youth pastor. Let another church do that. Each church should be unique. When we
combine all of the individual visions of the people that God calls together, the
purpose of the church fleshes out. Forget duties and responsibilities. The leadership
role (not me) is to combine all of the individual visions under the main vision to
make a well oiled machine. Too many see the churches as competition (church
hopping helps this idea) and so they fail as though they have to cover all the bases
in order to attract the numbers. I like to look at us special forces for specific jobs,
best done by small groups (house church). No vision can stand alone. It may not
even be complete enough by itself to make sense. They must all be 'fitly joined
- My gifts allow me to inspire with vision. But I need a man who has the gift of
leadership to make it happen.
- Most false teaching revolves around trying to conform truth to us so that we can
be comfortable. However, we are to conform to truth, not the other way around. If
truth is not greater than us, then what is the purpose of pursuing it? We might as
well just make our own truth 'every man doing what is right in his own eyes'.
- Lord, forgive me for desiring the gifts in order to rescue my life. To want to use
them to give meaning to my despair. They are Your gifts to further the kingdom,
whether they bring me profit or pain.
- It is important that I do not obsess about being right or wrong or doing the right
thing as long as I am searching for God's heart on the matter. His will will be done
nevertheless. However, I will try to confirm what I believe to be right with the Word
and others to save me some trouble.
- I must give up my desire to be special, to be appreciated finally. God has called
me to an office that many hold in high esteem but I must serve that office covertly.
God puts on my heart (and soul through feelings) someone's problems. I pray for
forgiveness and perspective to purge the same sin out of my life as I pray for the
same perceptive change in the other. They call me to tell me what God has told
them about themselves and their problem that was keeping them from loving others
less selfishly. I relate to their problem by sharing my struggle with it since I just
went through it. They feel at ease with me since I am no better than them and they
open up more. I fill in the details of what God shared with me and they are helped
more completely. I never get more credit than being a good sounding board. If they
knew all that was happening, they would falsely give me credit and be too
intimidated to share. I must remain just the basket case that cares.
- Religion says to 'get our act (testimony) together' and we will draw all men to us
but Jesus says that 'If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me'. Our brokeness
reflects Jesus' attitude and is what draws. If people admire me then I am failing.
- To refrain from sin is to shut our heart down and avoid coming to the cross. We
may have avoided the immediate effects of the sin that we refrained from, but the
seed is planted and grows within us. As we reach out, instead of having the bunker
mentality, we are more protected instead of less because when we open our heart
to others shortcomings, we expose our own. Jesus was able to allow the prostitute
to wash His feet with her tears because He had already dealt with the rejection of
the 5,000 who just wanted food rather than Him, etc. This ability to open our hearts
to others with a supernatural love/strength touches lives.
- Intercession involves me going to the cross through Gethsemane for the sake of
another. (II Corinthians 4:11-12) My disgust (Godly sorrow) for the sin causes me to
weep at Lazarus' tomb but joy is the result as the Lord's death works in us (me) for
the one I intercede for. The sorrow, the joy and the results come from God.
- I was humiliated yesterday to see myself being unsafe to someone opening up to
me by me trying to preach rather than 'come along side'.
- Christians have developed a doctrine called 'testimony'. It says that we, as
individuals, are to get our act together and then lead others how to do the same.
The Bible says that we are to be broken and let our brokeness lead others to be
broken also. This is the compassionate way.
- I have found myself more passionate about a particular truth than I am about the
person that I am sharing it with. That comes across as judgemental and preachy. It
shuts down interactive dialog. My validation is not whats' important.
- Lord, help me to remember that it is not my job to fix someone by revealing to
them all of their faults that You show me. I am only to set them on the path of
discovery as You direct. That way, I am less confrontive and threatening. Also, they
are less likely to forget the lesson if You show it to them rather than me lecture it to
them. p.79 Elijah Task
- I ask forgiveness for praying in order to find purpose in my pain, pride in my
accomplishments and understanding rather than humbly allowing You to speak
through me for the purpose of Your kingdom.
- As I find myself surrounded by needy, self-centered people that are dedicating
their lives to a religious pursuit of their own needs, I have to ask myself - am I
attracted to these people and they to me because I have a lot in common with
them? Should I be encouraged rather than hurt that they no longer want to be
around me? Is this a repeat of the purging of relationships that happened when I
left (place)? So if I want to be surrounded by people that actually understand what
love is, maybe I need to understand it myself.
- As I have said before, christians are much more obsessed with sin than God. He is
much more interested that we open our spirits and discover our identity and
corporate destiny. However, the religious institution is more concerned about
coralling passions and desires to keep an ever more restless congregation in check.
The result is that the very thing that is feared, happens. The answer, instead, is to
use our passions as a guide to God and the identity and purpose He has for us. In
order to stay safe, we must look past the overwhelming physical urges to the
emotional and ultimately the spiritual desires to see our core needs that appear on
the surface as just an urges to sin. An example of this is the prodical son who did it
the hard way and went through the physical to the emotional and ultimately
matured in the spiritual. The Father praises him rather than the over-good older son,
regardless of his messy path, because the Father was mostly interested in him
coming into his own which the older son did not. Therefore, the fellowship with the
father was only enjoyed by the prodical son. chap.18 Transformation 'If we live in
the Spirit, we will not satisfy the deeds of the flesh.' This is the easy route that
avoids peer pressure and allows the ever more rare individualization, without
individualization, christianity is no different than a cult. When a culture tries to
control behaviour and prevent individualization, it is a cult. People come to the idol
on Sunday morning, give their offering and confess their sins and worship it in song
in hopes that their prayers will be answered and that they will have good fortune
rather than bad. God wants a relationship. He says, 'If you want to appease Me,
give all you have to the poor and follow Me'. God is not impressed with our tokens of
obeisance. He wants intimacy. It is better that we stumble on the steps up to His
throne than to bury our talent in obeisance. I will not accept the accusations of
Satan either directly or indirectly through christians on my quest to divine intimacy.
As I said before, I would rather stand exposed in error in His divine light (love) than
righteous on the dark fringes. True love is not possible without individualization and
- The distinguishing mark to identify truth is that is sets our mind free rather than
entraps our thoughts causing division and hatred.
- It is not my job to convict people of their sin. It is my job to love them into the
light so they can see it for themselves.
- To have an awakened spirit is to be willing to have our own conscience hurt before
we hurt another. It is not human to mess up, it is inhuman such as street gangs
filled with fatherless boys. p.271 Transformation
- I want people to want to be with me just to be with me, but because I am
performance oriented, I have trained them to want me for what I can offer. Lord,
help me find my identity apart from performance.
- Teach me, Lord, how, instead of convicting people of being in the dark, to seduce
them into the light.
-Many sins that we see as passive (omission) are really offensive (commission)
because it causes us to withold the love that God has given us to share. Therefore,
is there really a sin of omission? We call it 'letting go' but it is an attack the way
that David killed Bathsheba's husband because to reject a fellow soldier in battle is
a hideous thing. Everything looks more ugly in the light (love) of God. Help me, Lord,
not to resort to 'tough love' so quickly as do the christians.
- When we sow, we reap a hundred fold according to the law that God set up,
whether for good or evil. So even though it is His idea and His strength we still get
rewarded a hundred fold. Even though it is our sin, He urges us to confess so that
He 'reaps the whirlwind' on the cross. Frank Kelly
- Lord, help me to not use the information that You give me about other people in
order to counsel them as a means of control and power or authority over them. I
want to be their friend.
- As a counselor, God reveals to me the inner struggles of His people as I humble
myself to relate to those shortcomings. This does not mean that I am to corner the
person and drag them into the light by exposing their sins to them. This is too much
like psychology which says that once we see a problem we can stop it from
happening and change it. My job is not to fix, but rather to guide the hurting to see
what God is directing them to see in the pain. I do not need to spell it out in detail,
they just need to see it enough to agree that it is sin and that they do not want it
anymore. Once they see that this sin is causing the pain, they will have the
encouragement to take it to the cross and confess so God can 'cleanse of all
unrighteoeousness'. Once they have done this, they will be free and full of joy.
Encouraging people to the cross is my part. All sin blocks love from God and others.
Exposing the sin in this light is much less judgemental. They need to see the pain
caused by the blockage of love not only in themselves but the pain that it causes
those around them and God.
- When christians lose love, only law is left which was intended only to be used to
control the love.
- In order for the Spirit to flow through me, it has to flow out to others.
- Lord, thank You for (name) confirmation that You have called me to exhort. He
prayed that my edges could be smoothes out. I know thay my roughness is due to
my bitterness. Help me to end it.
- Light is not knowledge, as religion teaches us - it is the glory of God. II
Corinthians 4:16 It is not just revelation, but the 'knowledge of the glory of God'.
John 8:12 Jesus said, 'I am the light of the world'. 'For the love of God is shed
abroad in our hearts.' Romans 5:5 It is our armour. Romans 13:12 We are to be the
'light of the world.' Matthew 5:14 Satan transforms himself 'into an angel of light'. II
Corinthians 11:14 His biggest deception is not of the mind but of the heart. 'He that
loveth his brother abideth in the light.' I John 2:10 'Let your light shine before men.'
Matthew 5:16 Does that mean to wow them with knowledge? This is why the church
is as a candlestick that God can take back. John 3:19-21 Evil doers flee from the
light because God's grace shines on the evil heart. Nothing exposes sin like grace.
- It is easy for goody-two-shoes who have never messed up to be performance
oriented because they have never felt the full extent of grace.
- What will free me from my depression will be letting go fully of
performance-oriented thinking. Striving with my self identity causes depression.
- When institutional christians say to get plugged in, they are referring to supporting
one of the endless programs or chores. Then they are accepted and loved
(performance-oriented). It is more important to get connected to people. What
would happen if there were no programs, no worship team, no staff - just a mob and
lots of food. Pople could minister to each other through caring, sharing and praying.
Music would be spontaneous. No enldless tasks to perform.
- Christians are the most dangerous people. They are the worst at being able to do
community. They routinely use the scriptures to apply divine authority to their issues
so that they can do the most vile and cruel things to themselves, each other and to
others without conscience. Things that would disgust the heathen who have no
guide. I believe the average christian would be better off just throwing away their
Bible and working off of gut instinct. Most would be more compassionate and closer
to God assuming their spirit (conscience) is working at all.
- Galations 3:1,2
~ We are only rearranging furniture
~ We are not better and never will be. In fact, the closer we get to understanding
ourselves, by God's wisdom, the worse we look.
~ When we strive to do better, we have no concept of our evilness. Once we have a
clean view of ourselves the more hopeless self reformation gets.
~ 'Well, God will help me' - no He wont. The old man must die. Brokeness allows us
to come to Him as little children - I can't do it.
~ 'Not I but Christ'
~ 'When I am weak, then am I strong.'
~ God does not smile on our good works or frown at our sins.
~ 'The first shall be last and the last first.'
~ We don't get more and more spiritual - just more broken.
~ Clay - He does it.
~ 'My yoke is easy'
~ The pressures off.
~ Instead of figuring out the 'right way' accept that 'I (God) am the way'.
~ It's all about connecting with God and His people.
~ 'He worketh in us both to will and to do ...'
~ Ought's and should's are over
- What good is a heightened discernment if I do not use it to feel people's pain
- How insulting to God is a religion that gives Him credit to be able to do all things
yet states that He will only do a limited amount of things. It would be kinder to say
that He is incompetent than that He is uncaring.
- I know Lord, that You are not calling me to be a good vessel, just an empty one. I
submit to being emptied.
- It's not God that needs to get into Revival, it is us. It would be very encouraging
to see Your hand move, but it would be even more encouraging to see us move. To
see our hearts change. Then we could see You moving. It is our blindness, not Your
inactivity. There is no sense in You demonstrating Yourself if we are not watching.
- Lord, help me to show truth by living it, not by speaking against error.
- The Spirit moves when God's people humble themselves to His divine soul
searching, not as individuals only, but as a group. Doing away with 'christian
fellowship' and truly connecting in our desire to improve our perspective as God
reveals our hearts. Religion trys to shortcut the soul searching and instead dreams
up a 'ministry' or 'program'. We hope that God will be impressed enough with our
ideas and efforts to take it over. But, when a group truly seeks God, His Spirit can
move freely and things can happen without any obvious external efforts. All revivals
happen this way. Help us, Lord, to give our hearts and not just our actions. God is
not a horse that we can build a harness for. Pentecost says wait on God. Many
chose the better part. It's hard to let go of the reigns. God is soon going to burn the
'wood, hay and stubble' of religion. When the disciples offered Him the beautiful
temple, Jesus said it would be tore down so that 'not one stone would be on
- Help me, Lord, to enjoy the process and not just the outcome of projects.
- Help me, Lord, to see my battle with the devil in creating things that reflect life
from Your perspective (or at least one of them) as a positive thing and not as
- Getting healed from my demons (lust, resentment) does not depend on how
intense I pray but on my willingness to be healed (lame man by pool of Saloam). No,
I don't have to get religious and try to want it bad enough to deserve it. Willingness
just requires humility to see the extent of my need and my inability to do anything
about it. Humility means working in community. James 5:16 The 'effectual, fervent
prayer' promise is based on confession and prayer in community. 'Effectual, fervent'
means working, not to 'do it right' but to share in humility.
- It takes the same amount of humility to give properly as it does to receive. To be
gracious requires the humility to see myself in the receiver position but for God's
grace. I would not like to receive anything from someone who was not willing to
also receive. I could not trust their motives. Points with God? Pride and love cannot
coexist. God is the best example of loving humility. Help me, Lord, to be able to give
graciously. I know it is possible to give cruelly.
- Help me, Lord, not to be deafened to Your voice because I am looking for only
religious instruction. I am looking forward to the time when we can talk about
- Help me, Lord, to avoid labels, for myself or others, in order to avoid controversy
and to focus on You.
- One explanation of how religion fell into legalism (there are many) is that the devil
has drawn them out of the castle to fight in the open field, leaving the castle open
for attack. The castle is our heart and God has provided His armour to protect it. The
devil stirs up threats in the external with fads, trends, etc. Well meaning christians
rush out to oppose this threat with external means. God did not promise to protect
the externals. Once we focus on the externals, our heart is open for attack.
- Religion says to avoid passion because it leads to temptation (meeting the passion
through immoral means). But our passion comes from our pain due to unmet needs,
etc. The pain comes from sin, either our own or someone elses. Therefore, to avoid
passion is to avoid dealing with our root sins.
- How do I give into passion without giving into self-gratification? Perhaps, by giving
into the pain which increases along wiht the passion as my sensitivity increases.
The pain will remind me of my deepest longings which can only be met by God.
- Nothing destroys passion more than religion. Without an outlet, passion leads to
rebellion from God either in chasing desires or legalism. Both are self-focused.
Religion sees pain as evil, but in order to embrace passion, we must embrace pain.
Both lead us to God.
- Why did God give me such an amorous woman? He seems to be fueling the fire. He
doesn't seem to be half as afraid of passion as I am. Maybe fear of passion is the
more dangerous perspective. Help me Lord to have faith that You will not let me go
astray if I release my passion. Indeed, holding onto my passion will lead me astray.
- Institutional thinking focuses on the external. God focuses on the internal. Man
marvels at David killing Goliath. Goliath was just unfortunate enough to be at the
wrong place at the wrong time. He accidentally crossed paths with a christian who
was totally submitted and in tune with God. That was the big event. Killing Goliath
was just an invevitable consequence and just the last couple hours of a 10 year
walk with God. David was the only one with righteous indignation.
- Life is not about balance. all things are of God. I just need to approach them in a
worshipful attitude. Balance is just about legalism. 'Do all thing as unto the Lord.'
- Our society has created a 'castrated christianity' as God put it this morning.
Through the guitar, clothes, exercise, hiking, and sandrail, God showed me an image
of myself that would break that stereotype so that being 'good' did not mean
harnessing my manhood. Thank You Lord.
- Lord, help me to remember to not judge my spiritual state by how much You speak
to me or by how much I do, but just to keep my motives focused on You.
- Thank You Lord. (name)'s explanation makes sense. The trouble is due to baggage
not sin. Help me to deal with my baggage.
- June 26 - The Utmost for His Highest - 'It is not a question of praying and asking
God to help you - it is taking the grace of God now. We tend to make prayer the
pereparation of our service, yet it is never that in the Bible. Prayer is the practice of
drawing on the grace of God.'
- Forgive me Lord that, as Peter, I am putting my desires above You. It was with
good intentions that he opposed Christ when he talked about His death, but Christ
used unusually harsh language to rebuke him by saying, 'Get behind me Satan'.
When I pursue intimacy with You, I am doing the same thing. I am putting my
desires above Yours. Help me Lord to desire what You desire and to pursue Your
purposes more than intimate time with You. As a result, I am sure that the intimacy
will happen at the time and in the way that You see best.
- Forgive me Lord for taking charge of the devotions and daily prayers. Help me to
listen before I speak and allow You to set the direction and subject.
- Forgive me Lord for looking at our relationship as a means of preparing me for
some great work in the future. Help me to see it more as a means of intimacy at this
- Mark 10:29-30
- In my quest to be of use to God, to have a purpose, I focus on developing a skill.
Makes sense on an earthly level. But Christ said to 'consider the lilies of the field'
Matthew 6:28 which provide a great ministry by just being, not by doing. When I
focus on God, He changes me and my changed life, much more than my advice or
service, has the influence to change hearts. I may not even be aware of it's effect.
The Utmost for His Highest May 18
- Forgive me Lord for seeing the purpose for You working in my life as a means for
me to get what I want and need rather than as a means of glorifying You and
drawing people to You.
- Ephesians 12:1,2 My purpose is found when I find God's perfect will which I find by
renewing my mind which happens when I offer myself to God as a sacrifice. Help me
Lord not to demand but to submit.
- I will seek Your face in the face of thers. This will keep me from making projects
out of them.
- Help me Lord to understand intimacy with You better. Forgive me for coming to
devotions to learn about You rather than to just love You and enjoy time together.
How do we relate outside of trying to solve a problem or accomplishing a purpose?
How do we fellowship just for the joy of it? Teach me as you walk me through this
relationship with (name).
- Forgive me Lord for desiring a purpose more than You.
- Lord, help me to watch and see where You are working and join in rather than
trying to figure out how to serve You.
- Forgive me Lord for looking at Your purpose as the changing of my life to fulfill
what I was meant to be and do. Thank You for reminding me that Your purpose has
a much more global scope and that my change to come to fulfillment of my identity
is just one part of the whole scheme and plan. I am just one player. It's not all
about me.
- Psalms 32:9 Help me Lord not to submit to You as a horse with a bridle submits
but with my whole heart which wants what You want. You have graciously given us
the dignity to share Your passion as we serve You. Help me to submit my heart to
You and not just my actions. The first part of this Psalm talks about You being our
shelter. This second part of the Psalm shows that You cannot be our shelter unless
we trust You. Forgive me for trying to dictate the design of the shelter. The main
material the shelter is made of is divine passion. I love You. Forgive me Lord for
trying to build a shelter out of my own desires. Thank You Lord for my custom made
shelter of passion.
- Lord, thank You for showing us that our stumblings are not Your main focus, but
rather our heart. As You lead us to dance on the high ground in the enemies camp
as passionate people, we will stumble. Our walk won't look near as orderly as
someone in the safe institutional valley. That is scary but exciting. Help us to focus
'not on the outward appearance, but on the heart'.
- Oh Lord, thank You for starting to fulfill Your promise of giving me discernment.
Help me not to use it to counsel others as much as to intercede for them in prayer.
- Oh Lord, when You do not move in me there is no life to be found. I am base,
selfish, needy and have nothing to say as a string puppet on a wall. But in Your
amazing, unselfish grace, You take me up and make me dance. People are amazed
and they love me and they love You. I just pray that You always let them see the
strings and even more important, always let me see the strings. Help me to always
wait on You and not try to dance on my own. You promise them that I will soar like
an eagle - just with strings. Help me to cherish the strings and not resist them.
They free me and never bind me. A puppet should never get tired. Help me that my
motivation to dance is so people will love You more than love me. It's confusing
when they are always watching me as You hide behind the curtain. I cherish Your
touch. I love to dance for You even if there is no audience. Please expose any sticky
joints in me so You can fix them. Help me to always remember that those I love
have strings too. This kills the performance anxiety, the shame, the competition.
Help me to celebrate their dance and enjoy their dance as much as I do my own and
not be jealous. May my dances inspire others to be tied up in You so we can all
dance together.
- Help me Lord to not get caught up in the religious functionality of religion. Help me
not to crave a release from guilt put on me by 'saints' or myself but to crave You
- As Caleb in his old age, we too do not choose the easy land in the valley but
choose the Devil's stronghold in the high ground where the giants live. As with
Caleb, we are by Your grace, as strong as we were in our youth. The Devil has
chosen all the best ground to setup camp such as sexual passion, exercise, natural
living and the arts (such as music) to name a few. The christian community has far
too long avoided these areas and settled for the easier life in the valley which has
left no place for their passions but in materialism and media entertainment. Without
passion, the institutional church has bean overrun with administrative types that
mirror it to the business hierarchial structure. It has been so for so long that many
'religious people' associate passion with sin as did the early Greeks who condemned
the flesh and all earthly things as 'carnel'. An extreme example is the muslims who
prefer to cover their women in bercas and cut on themselves. I know I am speaking
as a right-brain person. there is nothing wrong with left-brain gifts such as
administration for all gifts are equally valuable. But let us serve God with a 'whole
heart'. Oh Lord, let the intensity of the passion that You have given (name) and I in
our older age be a testimony to You. That when people see us, they can see You as
the passionate God that You are. Help us not to shun or fear passion but to
integrate it fully into one christian walk with You. It can be argued that this is a
more dangerous position to hold but I feel that complacency is much more
- When we know God, we will love Him. Love causes trust. When we trust Him, we
will obey Him. Once we obey Him, we will trust Him more. This leads to more love
and ultimately to a better knowledge of Him. 'If you love me you will do my
commandments'. John 14:24
- Exodus 17:8-15 The Lord is our banner - Who we honor, serve, represent. Help us
Lord to keep our hands lifted, as Joshua, to You and to Your promise that we will
have the victory. The battle is not won by sacrifice or determination. Just praise. All
other things, if called upon, come from that.
- Because of their refusal to believe, He was unable to perform any miracles there...'
Matthew 13:58 Mark 6:5
- Letter to the group. If I have a wonderful experience with God under an oak tree
one morning, it would be tempting for me to go to that oak tree the next morning.
that may even be a good idea. But if God is not willing to meet me under that tree
at that time of day, then I should stop the practice. To continue so would be to
idolize the situation. I will not worship the oak tree, the morning time or even the
wonderful feelings that I had there with God. For that reason, I left the traditional
church. I will not idolize a denomination as a type of worship, including house
church. At the same time, I will not condemn those things that God has chosen to
use in the past. I believe that God is still using, to some degree, the traditional
church, and in even a mighty way, the house church. However, I don't feel God
under the oak tree anymore. I will not cling with nostalgia to what God has left
behind. I hope I do not sound condescending by stating the obvious. For my own
sake, I felt it important to state my intentions for meeting up front. I will not invent
or revert back to old ways in hopes of wooing God's favor or presence. Where God
leaves a gap, I am willing to leave a gap. I am used to waiting on God. I waited 7
years for direction from God when He directed me finally to the house church and
(name). I am waiting 6 months (I hope that's it) to marry (name). I will wait for
God's direction as far as church structure. In the mean time, I cherish the
opportunity to take the one step that He has made obvous, fellowship. Thank you
(name) and (name) for guiding us into this first step.
- In order to live in a state of righteousness, peace, and joy, one thing I need to do
is not cram too much go-do's into a short period of time.
- 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' Hosea 6:6 Lord, help me to not measure my deeds
and especially not by the amount they cost me.
- Thank You Lord for perspective. For showing me that I focus on You in the midst of
a crowd while You are being silent by focusing on others. Trying to focus directly on
You is just focusing on me. There is no room in love for jealousy when You come to
others. When You do use me it is not a sign of approval. It is selfish to want the
spiritual experiences to myself. As I look to the needs of others in my prayers, I
trust that You will direct my development.
- Thank You Lord for reminding me to not measure my spirituality by the number of
'spiritual encounters'. My spitituality is measured by my care for others if it can be
measured at all. It is hard not to doubt my standing with You when You come to
(name) so much. I will not take Your encounters as kudos. You have already made it
clear to me that You love me in many ways. Forgive me for doubting it.
- Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7 'But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men.' Help me Lord to find true worship apart from tradition.
- Help me Lord to be a reflection of Your refuge to guide people into Your rest by
reflecting 'righteousness joy, and peace' in such a way that people naturally want to
open up. Not so I can play counselor, but that people can accept Your healing.
- Help me Lord to not get so busy following Your path that I forget to follow You.
- I find that a worship service is anything but. If it is worship, then why does the
object of the exercise seem to be to get a warm fuzzy. We think that if we grovel
enough, God will fill us with His Spirit. As You have shown me before Lord, help me
not to be so handsy and so obsessed with orgasms. It is enough to sit in silence on
the porch swing with You. I have noticed that we have not had a lot of warm fuzzy
moments lately, but You have never been so real. I will not measure my relationship
to You by the number of intimate moments. When You want something done, You
don't cover me with kisses. You just say it. If it is something scary, then You may
say it with a hug. I have not forgotten our two weeks of silence together. Your Spirit
has been with me since You saved me. I will not insult the blessedness of Your
presence by loud chants calling on You to come. (name) calls it spiritual
- Lord, help me to accept Your acceptance. Just because You don't use me doesn't
mean You reject me. That is hard to accept.
- Lord, help us that our church services are not about us - how much of the Spirit's
warm and fuzzies we get, how much prayers and support from others we get, or how
much we learn. It is about how much Your kingdom is furthered and how much I am
changed to think less of my pain and be more loving and think of others so that I
can play my part in furthering that kindom. I am also convicted by how much time I
spend in my devotions focused on improving my problems. Help me Lord to focus on
You so I can walk on the water. I will never overcome my pain as long as it is my
main goal.
- John 13:35 'By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one
for another.' This was confusing to me because it seemed that that is all the church
did was care for it's own and no one else. But it says to 'have love'. This is not a
practical, functional thing but a condition of the heart. Verses 3-4 say 'as I have
loved you'. This does not mean to remember to pray for, to give of money or even
time. It means to hurt when I hurt and to rejoice when I rejoice. This is the 'new
commandment'. If I took a poll on the street asking what was the one thing that
comes to mind when you think of a christian, I doubt love would be at the top.
Wouldn't it be nice if that were the biggest criticism the world had for christians -
that they loved too much? Help me Lord to love as You love. This is the only way to
- One of the hardest things to deal with is when nothing is happening. I start
second guessing myself. Maybe I don't love God enough. Then I start second
guessing God. Mybe He doesn't love me enough. Help me Lord to do neither. Help
me to maintain Your space.
- I Peter 4:8 'Love covers a multitude of sins.' The focus of this verse is not God
loving us, although it definitely applies, but our love to others. There is only one
love which we are invited to share in. This scripture seems to say that it is much
more effective to focus on love than on elliminating sin. This makes sense since it
causes us to focus on others in a selfless way. My spirituality is not about me.
- 'Principles are what people have instead of God. To be a christian means among
other things to be willing if necessary to sacrifice even our highest principles for
God's or our neighbor's sake the way a christian pacifist must be willing to pick up a
baseball bat if there's no other way to stop a man from savagely beating a child.
Jesus didn't forgive his executioners on principle but because in some unimaginable
way, He was able to love them. 'Principle' is an even duller word than 'Religion'. July
2 Listening to Your Life
- When a black Islam iman in Chicago's black district was asked why he converted
from christianity to Islam he said, 'Islam offers a way for emasculated men to
become something. Christianity, on the other hand is a welfare religion - Jesus paid
it all- and my people don't need that'. p.77 The Last of the Giants
- We are living our lives between Good Friday and Easter Sunday on Saturday, the
day with no name. Philip Yancey
- 'Something is missing from our lives that we cannot even name - something we
know best from the empty place inside us all where it belongs. We come here
(church) to find what we have lost.' p.155 Listening to Your Life Frederick Buechner
- I have, within myself, all the bad characteristics of a traditional church - separate,
critical, lazy, religious, and shallow. Help me Lord not to be an obstical to You.
- In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us that the way we treat the poor and sick is how we
treat Him. I find it easier, in my selfish thinking, to love Jesus than the poor
because He has the power to change my life for the better. However, don't the poor,
as representatives of Jesus, have the same power?
- Lord, help me not to try to teach everyone into Your kingdom or to walk with You
better. Teaching is the gift, the strength that You have given me and so is my
choice weapon. You prefer me to use love. That is Your strength and my weakness.
This is where revival will come from.
- Most christian music is about us praising God rather than God loving us. Lost are
not attracted to our 7-11 music (7 words sung 11 times).
- Henri Nouwen said that spiritual growth is going from untrue certainties to true
- Ever since Yancy's remark about church being for the saved instead of the lost, I
have lost interest in the traditional church. I see it as my cage. I like my cage for
me but I see it doesn't help the lost. I am so institutionalized. I don't want to leave
my cage. I don't know what to do with my freedom. I will go and look for a house
church since they more closely match the original church at Jerusalem. The group
format will allow God to be in charge. Help me Lord.
- Prayer is more important than I think. Why is my devotions always about learning.
I can pray.
- Help me Lord not to be black-and-white with my relationships with people. Thank
You for showing me that I do not socialize with people that I have a disageement
- The world is divided between sin and love, tragedy and joy, punishment and
mercy. Where the two sides meet is the answer to this conflict - the gospel. April 30
Listen to Your Life Buechner
- Help me Lord not to take Your work on my shoulders but instead be thankful and
enjoy the priveledge of being allowed to participate in the small way that You have
offered me.
- Spirituality is not about figuring it out, overcoming temptations or a series of
accomplishments or skills. It is being. Being is being in love.
- We are so exclusive that we would be doing good just to include everyone in our
congregation, let alone those outside.
- We need to meet where the people are meeting. They are not going to come to us.
- Not to sound critical, but for most of the community around our church, the only
sign that we are alive is the cars that show up in the parking lot on Sundays.
- If Jesus came to Tucson, I do not see our church in the middle of the action.
- Part of me says that we are not well suited for reaching the poor community. This
is what is most convicting of all.
- It's interesting to see that Jesus did most of His teaching to the masses. And
when He spoke to the masses, He never did it from a church building. It was in open
land (park) or at someone's house. Perhaps this was less intimidating. Then
government would resist us coming out of our 'sanctuary'. One sign that we are on
the right track.
- Lord, help me to stop measuring how close I am to You by how well I am dealing
with life's trials (how happy I am) but instead measure it by how loving I am (less
- The attitude of our church is reflected in it's location. It is centrally located
between the members on the better side of town. Shouldn't the location be set in a
location that is convenient for those we wish to reach? Jesus avoided the good
neighborhoods. why are we spending our time trying to force camels through
needles? Our church appears to be set up to attract christians more than the lost.
- Yancey asks in 'The Jesus I Never Knew' why Jesus related so well to the poor and
needy and not to the religious yet the church is the opposite. Why aren't we
attractive to them? I notice that first, Jesus met their medical needs (dental,
pediatric, prenatal, geriatric, etc.). Then He met their physical (hunger), Then He
met their spiritual by addressing their pain and showing them that God cares (You
are not the product of evolution, me and mine. Survival of the fittest is not the road
to happiness). We are competing against a secular government. Nearly all of these
people are victims of addictions (drug, alcohol, sex) - another competition. We have
to compete with cable. Most are hispanic. Maybe a packet of food, medical supplies,
toiletries customized for street people, old people, single moms, etc. Many resent
authority because they are from split homes. The church spends so much time trying
to meet it's own needs, but this is it's need - to help others. Once we have
developed a heart for giving love rather than trying to get love, we would not need
anymore marriage seminars, parenting seminars, how to know God better seminars,
etc. Just like an individual, the spiritual growth of the church will happen when we
stop focusing on it and start focusing on others. This would destroy the
not-so-untrue myth that christians are out of touch with reality, more interested in
stamping out sin than hunger and disease. That we lack passion. That we are more
like an elite club rather than a refuge. All of our societies ills can be traced to
'self-ism'. The best way we can help them is by example. Right now, we are not
'separate'. We just coat our lifestyle in religion and then condemn them for not
following that example. Now I know why I need to learn spanish. Now it is time for
- I don't want to sound judgemental or sexist, but I see a pattern. Once a woman
gets a tast of bitterness, it is like cocaine. I have never seen any woman cured of it.
Help me Lord to not let it take root and grow in me.
- When I hear myself or others say, 'I just want to please God', I see pride, not
humility. I hear Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount say, 'Be perfect'. Forgive me Lord
for putting words in Your mouth, but it sounds as if You are saying, 'You don't know
who you are talking to'.
- In the light of the awsomeness of God as seen by people such as Tolstoy and
Luther, validation becomes obscene.
- If learning has anything at all with embracing god, it is un-learning that has been,
by far, the most useful.
- Being spiritual is not knowing more or sinning less. It is lovng more. God is love.
- Help me Lord not to divide life into sacred and secular, mundane and holy. Help me
to find meaning in all things. Help me to treat meaning like mana - enjoy it in the
now and not hang onto it. Help me to live a sacrimental life. Sacriment - physical
object with meaning attached.
- The second stage - 'Love of God for one's own sake' has many disadvantages of
which I experience them all. My love for God varies according to how much I am
getting out of the relationship. My success in dealing with attachments varies in the
same way. My love for others also varies in the same way because it's motive is
about what I am getting out of it.
- We can be distracted by being overly concerned with virtues and vices and forget
our primary task of tending to our soul through prayer, which is nothing other than
loving attentiveness.
- The three steps of spiritual development:(Larry Crabb)
'You are all I have'
'You are all I need'
'You are all I want'
spiritual development restated:
'Love of self for one's own sake'
'Love of God for one's own sake'
'Love of God for God's sake'
'Love of self for God's sake'
- Help me Lord to stop measuring my spiritual growth in terms of success or failure,
accomplishments and goals but instead 'abide in Your love'. As Gerald May says, it is
not God and me but God in me and me in God.
- 'To love righteousness is to make it grow, not to avenge it.' George MacDonald
- Help me Lord to remember that 'contemplative presence' with You or being awake
is for being more in tune with You not to help me do it better. Changing my heart to
be more loving is a byproduct of Your presence.
- Help me Lord to stop seeing life as a balance of self made departments of myself
and just yield to You.
- Lord, help me to once again come back to seeing You as an ends in itself rather
than trying to manipulate You to be a means to an end. The beginning christian asks
if he can worship You without giving up his addictions. Later. after much defeat, he
asks whether worshipping You will get You to give him those desires. Finally, after
no success, he realizes that the pain of unfulfilled longings is the path to You.
'Consecration is the bridge between reformation and transformation.' p.162 Addiction
and Grace Help me to consecrate my depression and my loneliness to You. Help me
to not see You as a substitute for my addictions by defining spiritual moments as
everything that feels good. p.150 Addiction and Grace Instead I consecrate myself
to You with my pain as a pleasing offering to You and allow those moments together
in the pain to soften me as the flame softens the candle so You can mold me to be
in touch with the loving person that You created me as. Help me Lord that my pain
could be not just a constant remindeer of You but that it be my worship to You.
p.148 Awakened Heart
- Oh lord, in my search for You may I also find myself, the loving person that You
made me.
- 'Good and evil, in the moral sense, do not reside in things, but always in persons.
Things and events, whether fortunate or unfortunate, are simply what they are,
morally neutral. What matters is the way we react to them. Only rarely are we the
masters of events, but (along with those who help us) we are responsible for our
reactions...Events give us pain or joy, but our growth is determined by our personal
response to both, by our inner attitude.' p.281 Paul Tournier Reaching for the
Invisible God
- Whenever I start thinking of myself as spiritual, all I have to do is stop and 'spend
time with the Lord' and see how quickly I lose focus and become distracted.
- Forgive me Lord for struggling so hard to get You to be present with me. Remind
me throughout the day to be in Your presence, to 'practice the presence of God'
more and more constantly.
- Lord, help me not to constantly torment myself with concerns about whether I am
'doing it right'. Fretting about whether we are close or not based on all kinds of false
assumptions such as we are close when You are teaching me something so I can
write in this journal. Obviously our relationship is about much more than You
teaching me. When will I accept that we are always close? Help me to always be
awake so I can see You better. Not only during devotions, but throughout the day as
You give me opportunities to express Your love to others.
- Lord, I pray that You will guide me with Your grace to be able to meditate without
controlling or judging my actions and thoughts so that I can let Your Spirit flow
through me unhindered.
- Transformation comes in the end, not from an act of will, but an act of grace. We
can only ask for it and keep asking.' p84 Reaching for the Invisible God
- To focus on the addiction piles quilt on me which causes me to be even more
self-preoccupied. Guilt blocks humility which is where we experience God's grace.
- I find confidence in my humility and dignity in knowing and admitting my limits.
- My goal in defeating an addiction must not be focused on relief from the addiction
but experiencing grace in the process.
- To indulge in any attachment is to rob ourselves of the dep loongings that give us
a clear path to God.
- Lord, as we go through this process of teaching me to walk, as You hold me for a
while and then let go allowing me to struggle for a while and eventually fall, help
me not to beat up on myself and curl up into a pity party as I constantly expect
more out of myself that I ought. But instead, help me to laugh at the joy of going
though the process with You and just hold my hands up so we can do it again.
'Count is all joy when you fall into divers temptations.' James 1:2 Now I see what it
means to take myself too seriously. Life is not an endless list of problems to be
- Oh Lord, help me to use the KISS principle in all aspects of my spiritual walk,
especially in dealing with my addictions. I know that wherever there is complication,
there is error. This means, concerning my addictive behaviours, to not do the next
addictive behaviour. This means, concerning my spiritual life, to love. p138 Addiction
& Grace
- Help me Lord not to come to You with my cup filled with oughts, shoulds,
apologies and false promises, but instead only with your blood.
- Lord, help me to not get caught in the trap of beating up on myself and constantly
apologizing about my addictions. This is arrogant and dishonest. It is saying that I
am better than that. Help me to be honest that my attachment is proof of my
- I give my temptations power by fighting them because I fear them. Help me Lord
to just let them go rather than trying to push them out of my mnd which never
- God could miraculously heal me from my addictions. But by allowing me to have a
free will, He is alowing me a part in the struggle and therefore giving me dignity.
- Relax your shoulders.
- Pain and suffering bring us closer to God. As we get closer, we are able to be freed
from the attachments causing our pain. Our pain is then replaced with compassion -
feeling the pain of others. But that pain is filled with hope, not despair.
- In the second temptation, where Satan offered Jesus rulership of the World, Jesus
said, 'Get behind me Satan'. These are the same words used to Peter when he cut
the ear off the temple guard. Peter was trying to do the same thing as Satan. We
need to be careful about dropping Jesus' name, making Him a poster child or a
mascot of our cause. There is a line here that I cannot see clearly. For example, we
should clearly be politically active especially concerning moral issues. However,
Jesus conspiculously avoided such moral topics of His day such as slavery and
woman's rights. I can see that it would probably be over the line and destructive to
God's kingdom to spend our time picketing gay bars rather than ministering to gays.
It would be over the line to say Jesus is a Republican or American. But God blessed
the clergy who spurred on the Revolution. The church has to take a stand on the gay
agenda. But clearly, many moral issues of our day would best be fought by our
testimony rather than in court. Banning God from schools. How could they if we
were true christians? Can I really say,'God is on my side'?
- The Latin root word for repentance is 'poena' - 'pain'. The Greek word for
repentance is 'metanoia' - 'change of heart'. The Hebrew word for repentance is
'nacham' - 'to be comforted' or 'eased'.
- How can we analyze faith? This mysterious working between God's grace and our
will. This is what makes faith so uncomfortable and so difficult to explain. But, at
the same time, it can be so powerful that we can trust our lives to it.
- I am as the little kid always asking why. I sense that God would rather us just
play together.
- Without attachments, we float in the fuzzy world of faith. Many times, I want to
attach to doctrine and truth - 'Grounded in the truth'. No, I am to trust in God when
the only truth that I have in that situation is that God is good. This is the grain of
mustard seed. 'Grounded in truth' is not in the Bible. Only two scriptures talk about
being grounded. Ephesians 3:17 talks about being grounded in love. Colossians 1:23
says to be grounded in faith. These are the twin breasts mentioned in Song of
- Lord, help me to not make Your revelations an attachment.
- Spirituality is not an acquired skill. It is the letting go of our acquired skills.
- To try to 'get it right' is to try to control God, making my relationship to Him
manipulative, addictive, and codependent.
- I seem to measure my 'closeness to God' based on how well I deal with my
loneliness and addictions. This thinking makes a number of false assumptions. One
is that when I am at peace and not tormented by my loneliness and addictions, that
it is because I have 'gotten it right'. In retrospect, those moments of peace have
crept up on me as a gift from God. Another assumption is that 'closeness with God'
is freedom from those torments. This makes God's fellowship valuable only in the
sense of how much relief it gets me. As I continue to strip away the 'wood, hay, and
stubble' I become fearful if I will find any true, genuine love at all - for God or
anyone else.
- Lord, help me not to fill my empty cup with guilt. Help me to see my failures as a
doorway to grace.
- We long for the spiritual world to make itself evident in the physical world. But to
think this way implies that they are two distinct, incompatible things. This leads to
reductionism (C.S. Lewis) which, if taken to the extreme, defines life as an organ in
a dark container receiving electrical impulses from various sources. When Christ was
born, both worlds were joined in Him as they once were in the garden. Now we are
'in Christ' and so the two worlds are combined in us. How can we say 'Where is the
spiritual world?' when we are surrounded by sunsets, music, smiles. The real
question is 'Where is the church?'
- I write this again, not as profound wisdom, but to remind myself of what I forget
so often. The way to God is 'The Way of Suffering' that leads to the cross. Learning
is not a substitute. It is telling that I enjoy talking about this point more than I like
doing it. Learning is about finding a cure. Suffering is about walking through the
storm to God.
- The christian culture says that owning our desires is dangerous and can lead us
into temptations. In fact, the opposite is true. Disowned desires are usually our
- Lord, thank You for showing me how hopelessly evil I am and how forgiving You
are so that I am free from religious struggles to do better. But help me to see the
other side, how loving You are and how lovely I am so that I am free to be who You
made me and pursue You as You pursue me. Help me to announce that I am the one
for whom the glass slipper fits.
- When I desire understanding as the way to God, I am falling into satan's deceit
that he has used from the beginning in Eden. The way to God is intimacy.
- Spirituality is not something to master, but to experience.
- Help me Lord that my faith does not begin 'to feel more like a series of problems
that needed to be solved or principles that had to be mastered before we could
finally enter into the abundant life'. p.7 The Sacred Romance
- Forgive me Lord for taking on the burden of Your work as if were a crucial part
rather than seeing my participation as a blessing from You.
- How can I focus on such a vague topic as being more spiritual? Being more
spiritual is just being more with You and being more like me.
- Help me Lord not to fret and worry about my spiritual progress but focus on You
and let the progress take care of itself.
- But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are
being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord,
the Spirit. II Corinthians 3:18 Verb can also be translated as 'reflecting like mirrors'.
We cannot separate the two acts. Lord help me to behold and reflect as Moses did
(II Corinthians 3:7) from one level of glory to the next.
- Help me Lord to be humble enough to leave the real work up to You and. when I
see broken people, direct them to You with the higest recomendations based on how
You have helped me. You are the 'great Physician'. Thank You for allowing me to
help and thank You for not making it my responsibility to do the technical stuff. Now
I see better that 'It's not all about me' is a show of love, not a request for self
sacrifice. I am perfectly fine with being the doorkeeper directing people into the
doctors office. Thank You for not 'putting on me more than I could bear'. Being such
a regular customer myself, with so many divers ailments of my own, makes me a
good door keeper. All I have to do is be sensitive enough to recognize pain. I know
- Religion says that we must deal with our sins in order to get to God, but we must
get to God in order to be able to deal with our sins.
- We can't say that God loves me but is put off by my sin. Only love that loves me
as I am is true love.
- When God grants me peace, I run away. I want intensity. Peace is accepting that
God loves me as I am. Intensity is acceptance and identity in accomplshments or
relationships. Can I accept that being loved by God is enough? Religion is a noise
that tries to drown out this peace.
- Help me Lord to be broken and vulnerable without being self degrading and
masochistic. Then I can be gracious instead of judgmental. Thank You Lord that
Your love sent me through the long path of recovery so that I can distinguish them
as I see it from the backside. The one is God-centered and the other is
self-centered. (Peter and Judas) The one causes intimacy with God and others, the
other causes fear of God and others. The one focuses on forgiveness, the other on
judgment. The one sees God as enough, the other is obsessed with adulation. The
one is about grace, the other about performance. The one acknowledges God, the
other does not. the one causes honesty with God and others, the other causes
hiding and hypocracy with God and others. In the one case, we forgive ourselves, in
the other, we do not. The one accepts God's presence, the other works for it. One
focuses on God's love for us, the other on our love for God. The one focuses on who
I am, the other on who I should be.
- 'He will withhold no good thing from us.' Good things are not blessings.
- The only difference between conservative and liberal religious groups, besides
moral standards, is the amount of effort it takes to get blessings.
- Help me to remember, Lord, that insights come from You and not from books. It's
OK if I don't get a chapter read today.
- God has chosen a nobody to reveal His Grace to. The insight that He has blessed
me with does not change my status.
- Lucifer decided that controlling his own life to satisfy his own desires was a much
more direct approach to happiness. In order to lead us into the same mistake, he
invented religion. From then on, man has been tired and unpationate. Help me Lord
to avoid this narcissistic trap. I always end up either tired and depressed or
- Over a week has passed without a book to read. I now see that books are a crutch
and a way of avoiding the uncomfortable silence of intimacy with God.
- To crave the intensity of religious experiences over the still small voice is a
shallow relationship like a physically dominated relationship with a wife. Help me
not to confuse You with Your intensity. Lord help me to find the deeper, more subtle
relationship with You. My ability to enjoy it would not rely on my 'spitituality' but
would be a gift from You.
- Am I as excited for people when they discover something about God from another
source other than myself?
- Even the insights in this journal can be a crutch to getting close to God. I am
already there, or more accurately, He is already here. Keep my 'eyes on the Lord and
His righteousness (not on me) and all these things shall be added unto you.' (No
need to focus on what I think I need.) Trust.
- Can I rest in God's love without the support of learning something new? Are books
a crutch? I am not fallng. The amount that I cannot rest is the amount that I
depend on self.
- I cannot tie my ego (selfworth) to God's use of me. If He uses me alot, I am good
and if He uses me a little, I am worthless. That is codependent. God's use of me
can never be used as an acalade. Neither can His show of love for me for the same
reason. Only when I drop these ideas can I rest in His grace. God loves me. Live
with it.
- I cannot adore God and be focused on self.
- I refuse to let my devotion time with God to be taken up obsessing about my
sinfulness. It's not about me.
- It is obvious to me now that the Lord is just asking for some quiet time together.
Do I love Him enough to 'waste' my devotion time, that I could spend learning, to
just sit in His presence? The true show of a close relationship is when silence is
- Faith is not beliefs. Faith is trust which then establishes beliefs. Trust comes from
experience. Contemplative prayer bridges the gap between beliefs and experience
through love.
- The Bible is not God. Reading the Bible is not spending time with God. Being true
to it's doctrines is not necessarily being true to God. Reading it to the world is not
necessarily sharing Christ.
- My faith in God does not depend on my faithfulness.
- Lord, may I seek You for Your sake and not mine.
- 'Let us be careful not to seek mystical experiences when we should be seeking
repentance and conversion.' Shepherd of Hermas
- Learning is about me, worship is about God.
- Moral rules give us security. Spirituality gives us insecurity.
-God is in the Now and I disappear. I am no longer concerned with my spiritual
condition. I am not obsessed with self analysis. Guilt and shame disappear.
- Help me Lord to distinguish a Christ-centered life from the prideful self-sacrificing
legalistic martyrdom of the stoic conservatives who have no passion.
- Forgive me Lord that I am motivated in my spiritual walk by my own desires and
ambitions causing me to be discouraged when it doesn't bring me the joy and
adoration that I desire and instead serve for your purposes.
- Am I seeking an experience with God or seeking to know Him better?
- My knowledge of God comes from my experience with Him, not the other way
- It was the desire to encounter God that drew Peter out of the boat and into the
storm, not the desire to be more holy, to show up the other disciples, or to do the
'right thing'. There is no sin in staying in the boat.
- I have always hated my sin because it offends me. Now, I hate my sin because it
offends God. It's not all about me.
- 'That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the
flesh but after the Spirit.' Romans 8:4
- 'Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us have
been called unto liberty...This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill
the lust of the flesh.' Galation 5:1,13,16
- Legalism and guilt are narcistic and offer a false-security and so blocks our view of
- 'They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.' Isaiah 40:31
- I struggle trying to stop struggling. It's still trying to 'get it right'.
- 'Without Christ we can do nothing.'
- 'In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it.' Isaiah 30:15
- 'Working to do better' squelches the Spirit rather than brings me closer to God.
- II Corinthians 5:17 'He is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all
things are become new.'
- II Corinthians 5:14 'Love of Christ constraineth us.'
- Romans 5:5 ' of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.'
- As long as I continue to try to 'do better', I have not yet grasped how wretched I
am. I am beyond repair. My old self must die and be replaced. 'Not I but Christ.'
- Trying to figure it all out is the works of the foolish Galations.
- Lord, help me to stop trying to reform and instead transform. To relax at your feet
even though I smell of pig manure. To stop trying to rearrange the furniture, of
trying to 'get it right'. 'Be still and know that I am God.'
- Lord, help me to be more like Mary and less like Martha. The better part.
- Lord, help me to give less advice and more love.
-Why is it that the only artistic people that are christians are musicians, except
Kincaid? All of the passonate artists are extreme liberals. No wonder Hollywood
always says the way to passion is to shun religion and it's restrictions. Is there no
passion in the christian circles to counteract this attack?
- As I persue my vision from God, He will show me the faults I need to address.
- I have too many problems to focus on fixing them. It will overwhelm me and take
up my life. I will instead focus on my vision (sensitive to other's pain) and only deal
with the problems that get in the way of it. This is a positive approach. Self
mutilation is selfish and about making my life better for me. Godly sorrow vs. guilt.
And help me to use this attitude in order to connect with others.