- The Lord once lived in isolation. Then He created a world whose design rages against
that isolaton. With countless numbers of angels and people. With an inter-dependent
nature. Wth countless stars to remind us that we have a God with countless abilities
that loves us. All of nature was created with an insatiable desire for love. Not just
humans, but even the wildest beast and, I believe, even the plants. But one-third of the
angels and pretty much all of mankind , to one degree or another, resents that need to
be a part of the interdependence and instead choses independence - to return to the
original state before creation. So, for many, the end will be as the beginning.
- The purpose of confrontation is to inspire, not to humiliate.
- The purpose of confession is not to get our act straight, but to get our heart straight.
- If our natural reaction to a conflict is to fight, then we will not resolve many of them.
There is no such thing as winning a conflict.
- Division is caused when people sacrifice the general peace for their own individual
peace (peaces).
- Help me Lord to desire to connect with others as much as I desire to connect with
- There ar nine scriptures that all say the same thing - be of one mind. What mind is
this? ICor 2:16 says, 'we have the mind of Christ'. How do we have the mind of Christ?
IPhil 4:8 says, 'Think on these things'. All of these things are positive. To focus on the
negative tears apart community. Ironically, it is a carnal attempt to attack what we see
as the cause for division and to heal our heart. Community is about coming together in
- It seems that there are two major obstacles to Christian community in our culture and
they are interrelated - control and sex.
- One serious threat to community is politics. Our political views are usually deply rooted
in tradition based on ethnic background, economic standing, or geography. Therfore, a
disagreement with my political view can hurt deeply. Paul warned us of the 'some are of
Paul, some are of Apolis' thinking. The root of it is misplace trust. We so easily see the
foolishness of those loyal to the other party, but we need to 'take the beam from our
own eye'. We have only one redeemer - Jesus Christ. The governement, regardless of
which party is in the White House, will one day hunt us down like dogs to try to
exterminate us by taking off our heads.
- Community is going to be difficult because, in this culture, everone is very immature
and inexperienced when it comes to close relationships (as opposed to christian
- Division in a group happens when we hold onto anything tighter than we do each other.
But, does this mean that we are not to have any beliefs too strong for fear of desension?
That would just be a hippie commune that collapses under the weight of
self-centeredness. Of course, the other extreme is that we are forced into consensus
about everything because of 'principles' that can grow in number till we are a rigid Amish
community. So what points do we stand our ground and which ones do we concede? I
have to believe that the acid test or standard is love. If it interferes with love for God
and each other, it must be addressed. For example, some in my group believe the
religious outpouring in Lakeland to be legite and other's do not. This does not pass the
love requirement to make it worth debating over. However, some in the group are very
defensive about the Lakeland events and do not want to hear anything critical about it.
That attitude does pass the love requirement and must be confronted and a consensus
about the proper attitude must be found regardless of individual beliefs about Lakeland.
Because some hold their belief about Lakeland so tightly that they are unable to love
those who do not, Lakeland has become an idol. Isn't this what Paul is talking about
when refering to eating meat offered to idols? This is a scary concept because there are
not many priciples that meet the love requirement. Dare I say that even the church
ordinances and how they are to be carried out do not meet that criteria? However, all
things are open to discussion if a group is loving enough to disagree.
- When I think of community, I question what do these people have to offer me? The
answer is the same that I have to offer them - nothing. 'Apart from the Spirit, we can do
- We will never be ready for community until we are humble enough to see our need for
it. It is true that each of us have a unique perception of You that allows us to see You
more clearly in that perspective than anyone else, but it is not a complete perspective.
It is only one of many perspectives and it is flawed. Only in community can we see
those flaws and then allow our persepective to be even clearer as we learn other's
- Community is so important for a number of reasons. One is that we are blind to our
own shortcomings but painfully aware of others. Also, God purposefully gives the answer
to our problems to others for two reasons. One is so that we will be dependent on
others to force us to face our fears of relationship (rejection and confrontation). Another
is because the answer He provides to others are, many times, to questions that we are
not asking.
- The process of community - 'We told our present story of mutual failure and hurt until
conviction broke open our heart and released our passion to give. We told our inside
story of disappointment and loneliness until pain gave way to a passion to be. And we
told our deepest story of a longing to rest in another's strength until we fell into
worship'. p196 Finding God
- Unity means Ghrist in the center, not necessarily unity of beliefs. Unity of beliefs can
lead to us in the center. p.195 Elijah Task
- Security comes through vulnerability because it comes through relationships in
- I need so much the fellowship of christians that are truly, selflessly searching You. The
best way for me to find them is to seek You myself. As the sheep are drawn by the
shepherd to Him, we are naturally drawn to each other. p.380 Transformation But I must
seek You in action.
- We will never be able to have community until we come to the understanding that our
sins affect everyone we come into contact with, either directly or indirectly. Indirectly,
we fail them by not being the person thay they need us to be and by leading astray
either by them following us or rebeling aganst us. When we truly grasp how damaging
our sins are, we are ready to 'confess one to another and pray one for another'. When we
are not willing to confess, we are not truly available to be confessed to. But it will never
be a level playing field. We constantly shift between confession and hanging around the
fig tree.
- John 20:22-23 The Lord gave us the authority to forgive sins. That seems strange until
we accept that our sins affect all of mankingd and that includes everyone we know.
David said 'against Thee and Thee only have I sinned' but the repercussions of his affair
with Bathsheba affected his family, the army and the courntry for generations. On behalf
of manking, we can offer forgiveness.
- Unless a person can objectively see their own issues on a given subject, how can they
help or counsel another without having a biased perspective. It takes brokeness with
both parties for healing, and therefore, community to happen.
- All connection comes from You.
- It is not enough to just be willing to expose our faults but to be willing to work on
them daily by allowing the other person and God to point them out as we do them. To
encourage us to bring them into the light over and over. 'If we will confess our sins, He
is faithful to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnes.' I sense that
the issues God chooses to bring to light are the ones He will have us work on (bring to
the light) so that we will be molded to His purpose.
- Help us Lord to become emotionally detached from the sins that You have us bring to
the altar in front of You and each other. Not to take them as part of our identity.
- Intimacy is coming as we are into the light and being accepted and loved. Love is the
motivator to overcome the shame.
- Worshipping God was not intended to be a thing to be done in solitude. Prayer is the
only thing the Bible mentions to be done in private. God said that without fellowship,
offerings to Him were useless. Help (name) and I Lord to learn to worship corporately,
first with ourselves and then with others. Help us to elevate fellowship to the priority
and manner that You intend.
- God seems to be trying to pull together a group of people who are willing to be social.
He is asking people who are naturally not social because it is easier to work through our
weaknesses. He first asked (name) who has major issues with social contact and now
He is asking (name). It is not our skills that He is after, it is our heart. The one thing
that (name), I, (name), and (name) have in common is that we are all loners. Psalms
51:16,17 'For Thou desirest not sacrifice, else would I give it. Thou delightest not in
burnt offering. The sacrfices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, Oh
God, Thou wilt not despise.'
- Prayer, as (name) reminded me, is another step that God has given and another
obvious part of meetings.
- The purpose of restrictions and boundaries in our lives is, ironically, to give us
freedom. Without them, we mess up and that leads to much more severe restrictions
since we are then at a much more weaker state. Help us Lord not to play victim. Once I
start pitying myself, I start demanding 'rights' which don't exist. This false concept of
rights allows me to justify breaking the current boundaries.
- I am still struggling how to enjoy Your presence without the storm. Now the sea is
glass. That must mean that we are in the boat together. But if that is the case, we are
no longer alone. Now worship is more corporate, relational. I don't understand intimacy
in this manner. Help me to be more relational. We can enjoy sharing with others our
adventures on the waves.